09 August, 2013

Carrot Loaf (Vegan)

Ingredients: 1/4th cup of Canola & Olive Oil (Margarine); 1(1/3) Cups of white sugar; 1 Cup grated carrots, 1/4 tsp cloves powder; 1(1/3) cups cold water, 1 cup raisins; 1 tsp Cinnamon powder; 1 tsp Nutmeg powder; 1/2 cups of nuts (wall nuts); 2 cups of flour (all purpose or whole grain); 1 tsp Soda; 1 tsp Baking Powder; 1 tsp Sault; ; Some Crisco shortening to make the surface of the container greasy. Those who do not mind milk products can use ghee instead of Crisco shortening.

Procedure: Put 1/4th cup of Canola & Olive oil, 1(1/3) cups of white sugar, 1 cup grated carrots, 1(1/3 cups of cold water, 1/4th tsp cloves powder, 1 cup raisins, 1 tsp Cinnamon powder, 1 tsp Nutmeg powder in a pan and mix it well and boil it for five minutes. Once the mixture is boiled for 5 mins then allow it to cool and meanwhile get ready for flour. Mix 2 cups of flour and 1 tsp Soda, 1 tsp Baking powder, 1 tsp Salt together and mix well.

 Once the liquid mixture gets cooled add the flour mixture and 1/2 cups of wall nuts into it and again mix well to prepare the batter for carrot loaf. Grease the container in which the batter is to be put and put the batter into the container. Put the container in the oven and bake it for an hour at 350 degrees temperature. The carrot loaf will be ready.

Take it out of the oven and keep it for cooling. To check whether it has come out fine, just insert some sharp knife inside it and if batter does not stick to the knife then the baking is done well. Also, once it gets cooled the loaf loosens itself from the pan or the container and you can see the increasing gap. That is the right time to turn the container beat its bottom so that the carrot loaf comes out without getting broken. Then you can slice it. It is delicious and nutritious too.