22 February, 2010


Two Budhhist monks were walking on their way to their Ashrama. On the way they saw a young beautiful girl, who was not able to walk and needed some help. Both the monks went nearer to her and asked, "Oh! what's the problem? Can we help you?" The girl replied, "Yes, I wish to go to my home which is in the nearby village, but due to wounds in my feet I am unable to walk. Please, will you help me to reach up to the village?" The monks looked at eachother. The fact was that Budhhist monks were not supposed to touch any lady or a girl. The youngest monk between them decided to carry her up to the village but the older one was opposing him. Still the youngest monk carried the girl on his shoulders up to the village and left her at the border of the village. Both the monks continued further their way and reached their Ashrama. The older monk decided to complain against the youngest monk regarding the incidence of the young girl to their Master. As soon as they reached, the older monk complained to the Master. The Master replied, "the youngest monk had left her behind on the border of the village but why are you carrying her still in your mind?"
I feel we carry things in our head unnecessarily increasing burden in our life. It is always good and benificial for us to leave the things behind and proceed.

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