22 February, 2010

Can't hide and run away!!

Here is a story from Ramayana, the ancient scripture in India. Sage Vashishtha was Rama's kulguru (a person who is whole and sole adviser of the royal family). In India there is a dispute regarding Rama's existence but the stories of Ramayana are milestones for Indian culture, this fact nobody can deny. In some stories we find a simple philosophy for our life which is true everywhere on this planet. It is said that at some point of life.....may be after Rama's return from forest and after he deserted his wife Sita, Rama was feeling lonely and fed up of all the tragedies in life. During that time he was thinking for running away from his life's circumstances. When Guru Vashishtha came to know about this, he went to Rama and asked him, " is there any place on this earth where you can hide from your life's realities?" Rama understood what Vashishtha wanted to convey and he continued his duties towards his life.
We, anybody who has taken birth on this earth can't run away or hide from any reality of our life. By continuing our duties towards our life with positive thinking one can reduce the intensity of that suffering.

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